Dashboard SARS-CoV-2

With the COVID-19 Dashboard, you will have access to real-time, updated, and detailed information on the different lineages of the coronavirus. Through interactive charts and precise data, you can track transmission trends, identify new variants, and gain a better understanding of COVID-19 epidemiology in our country.


Dashboard DENGUE

With the dengue dashboard, you will have access to updated and detailed information on the dengue virus serotypes and genotypes circulating in Brazil. Through interactive charts and detailed data on Brazilian regions and states, you can track trends in the circulation of new variants and gain a better understanding of dengue epidemiology in our country.




Lineages are defined as entities/organisms that share a common ancestor and show similar mutations. New lineages emerge as the viruses replicate through mutations. The mutations are mostly silent and/or harmful to these entities.

Imagem Decorativa de uma partícula de coronavírus na cor azul. A imagem consiste em um círculo azul com diversas protrusões em forma similar a alfinetes de cabeça, com pequenos círculos azuis na ponta.
Imagem Decorativa. Esquema de micrografia eletrônica representando um vírus ligado a algumas moléculas de anticorpos


We call it reinfection when a virus is able to invade and multiply in an organism even after previous contact with the disease and activation of the immune system. Reinfections can occur both by the decrease in effectiveness of the immune response generated (antibody levels reduction, low activity of defense cells, etc.), and by the evolution of the virus, which can generate differences that allow the acquired immunity to escape. A practical way to confirm reinfection is to check genetically whether the virus that caused the first episode of the disease is different from the one that caused the second – to make sure that it is not a single persistent


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Logotipo Programa Inova Fiocruz
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Logotipo CGLAB
Logotipo Rede de Plataformas Tecnológicas Fiocruz
Logotipo Programa de Pesquisa Translacional
Logotipo SUS, Ministério da Saúde e Governo Federal